xxxx Project

About the Game

ProcessorPanic is a fast-paced management sim where you play as Vimcent, an overworked but determined little robot running a chaotic data warehouse. Your job? Sort, store, and ship out incoming items as fast as possible. You'll need to organize items into storage containers, keep everything in order, and make sure the right deliveries go out on time. But the longer you last, the harder it gets—more customers, tighter deadlines, and the constant risk of total system overload.


Movement: W: Move up A: Move left S: Move down D: Move up Interactions: E: Pickup / Retrieve Items / Destroy Crates F: Store / Give away Items UI: ESC: Settings Menu TAB: Customer Menu

Gameplay Video

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Anonyme Person

2D Artist

Game Programmierung

Anonyme Person

Game Programmierung

Daniel Jäger

Game Programmierung