xxxx Project

Short Description

Paintoon: Splat Your Way to Victory! A vibrant and energetic 2 player arcade party game where players battle it out to claim territory by splatting paint across a grid-based arena. Easy-to-learn controls make it perfect for casual gamers, while the competitive modes offer engaging gameplay for groups of friends. With a minimalist aesthetic and a focus on fun, Paintoon is a pick-up-and-play experience that's sure to get the party started.


Paintoon v0.4


Menu Screen: Add Player: A, X Remove Player: B Credits: Y Start Game: Start End Game: Select In-Game: Movement: Left Stick Aiming: Right Stick Shooting: A, B, X, Y, L, R, LT, RT End Game (early): Select End Screen: Replay: Start End Game: Select




Michael Schmied Profile Picture
Michael Schmied

Game Design

Game Programmierung

Game Director

Linandro Valderrama Profile Picture
Linandro Valderrama

Game Design

Game Programmierung