xxxx Project
We live in a world where social media plays an increasingly significant role in shaping public opinion. However, social media platforms are not designed for this purpose. One of the biggest problems is that the most extreme posts tend to go viral. The View Switch project aims to counteract this issue. Various topics are represented on social media in a wide spectrum. View Switch is designed to showcase this spectrum. With this tool, users can slide through diverse posts on a particular topic, enabling them to form a more balanced and varied opinion. Project Goals: Promote Balanced Perspectives: By providing a wide range of posts on specific topics, View Switch encourages users to see different viewpoints and develop a more nuanced understanding. Reduce Extremism: By highlighting a spectrum of opinions rather than just the most extreme, View Switch helps mitigate the tendency for the most sensational content to dominate conversations. Enhance Media Literacy: Through exposure to diverse perspectives, users can become more critical and discerning about the content they encounter on social media. How It Works: Topic Selection: Users scroll through social media as usual, and when confronted with a controversial post, they have the option to use View Switch. Content Display: View Switch curates a variety of posts related to the chosen topic, ranging from moderate to extreme viewpoints. Sliding Interface: Users can slide through these posts to see the full spectrum of opinions. Diverse Opinion Formation: By viewing multiple perspectives, users can form a more comprehensive and informed opinion on the topic. By encouraging a more diverse and balanced consumption of social media content, View Switch aims to foster a healthier and more informed public discourse.
