xxxx Project

MMP1 Video

Smart Sphere


One of the core features of Smart Sphere is its ability to control multiple smart devices from a single interface. Users can adjust power sockets and control roller shutters remotely. This centralization not only simplifies the user experience but also allows for more efficient management of the home’s energy usage. This project supports only smart devices from the company “Shelly”. The system provides real-time updates on the status of all connected devices, enabling users to check the position of roller shutters and see whether sockets are on or off. This immediate feedback loop ensures that users can react quickly to any changes in their home environment, such as turning off unnecessary power sockets or react to weather conditions and close rollers. Smart Sphere harnesses the power of a weather API to bring real-time weather updates directly into the home management system. It's particularly beneficial for making informed decisions for example closing the rollers. Understanding that every home has unique needs, Smart Sphere was built with scalability and customization in mind. Users can easily add new devices as they expand their smart home setup. The system’s modular design allows for the integration of new technologies and devices as they come to market. The primary goal of Smart Sphere is to provide a seamless and efficient way for users to manage their home environments, leading to increased convenience. Furthermore, the project emphasizes data security and privacy, ensuring that all user data is securely stored and processed with standards of data protection. This commitment builds trust and reliability, crucial for the adoption of smart home technologies. This project was a matter close to my heart because the idea had been on my desk for a very long time. Thanks to the MMP1 project, I have now been able to realise it. It is very practical for my use case, as I have several Shelly devices and now have a nicer and easier to control interface. It was also a great incentive for me to carry out this project, as it has a real application purpose.




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