The Story
Sedna is a short animation movie that follows a young Inuit hunter, as he attempts to find food in a world that has changed for the worse. With pollution rampant, the hunting grounds have gone empty. However, one fateful day, a spirit manifests infront of him, beckoning him to follow. Who knows what he will find?
Sedna is the goddess of the sea in Inuit mythology and acts as a protector for the sea life.
There are many stories that explain how she became the way she is, but in each version, her father takes her to sea in a kayak and chops off her fingers.
We decided to show her trapped in an ice block, as there is a story of her, which ends with her being frozen.
She is generally considered a vengeful goddess, and hunters must pray to her to supply them with bounty, which is why she does not attack the hunter in the story, as he has always respected nature.