xxxx Project

Jugendfriedhof Salzburg

Since last year, there have been more senior citizens than young people living in the city of Salzburg. This trend is highlighted in the 2023 Salzburg Population Report. Unfortunately, this development is evident even without extensive data collection, simply by walking through the streets of Salzburg. The needs of young people are becoming increasingly marginalized in Mozart’s city. Instead, the older generation, particularly the conservative-elite milieu, is gaining more influence as decision-makers in Salzburg. The young people, who also represent Salzburg's future, are being increasingly ignored. The campaign "Jugendfriedhof Salzburg" stands with the youth of Salzburg, fighting for their needs and against the decline of young people as well as the city itself. Billboards in the form of oversized mourning candles make it impossible to overlook the continual neglect of the youth. Additionally, memorials at "youth mourning sites" mark specific places and projects where the youth have been overlooked, embodying the decline of the youth and, subsequently, the city. Specific causes of death, such as an "overdose of tranquility," illustrate the factors leading to the decline of youth in Mozart’s city. These kinds of sites are usually erected in places where death has come too early. In Salzburg, too, it is the youth who are dying far too young.

