xxxx Project

The Idea

The Didactics & Learning Technologies Team (DLT for short) at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (SUAS) offers a broad training program of workshops for teachers. The problem? The current registration solution is not optimized for the department’s specific needs. The Didactics Hub’s goal is to offer a specialized solution for the DLT team’s specific requirements from registration and attendance tracking to automatically issuing the final attendance certificates. By centralizing these processes, the Didactics Hub aims to streamline administrative tasks and enhance the overall user experience for both lecturers and administrators.

Video overview

Didactics Hub for lecturers

Using a single-sign-on service, lecturers can log in with their SUAS credentials and get an overview of the available trainings, which will then show up in their personal program. This personalized interface allows lecturers to easily manage their training schedules. After a training session, the DLT team can confirm attendance, and participants can download their certificates directly from the platform, eliminating the need for manual distribution.

Didactics Hub for the administration team

The administration tab provides the DLT team with robust tools to create and manage trainings throughout their various phases, starting from planning and drafting to registration, attendance verification, and certificate issuance. Edits are saved automatically, ensuring data consistency and accuracy. Key details such as trainer information, category, language, total units, and descriptions can be easily filled in. The system supports splitting training into multiple sessions over a longer period, accommodating various training structures.
Trainers can be managed in a separate view, where their contact details can be stored, facilitating better communication and organization.

Behind the Scenes

The Didactics Hub is built using the PHP framework Laravel, complemented by the frontend framework Livewire, which offers a Single-Page-Application-like user experience. The frontend design leverages Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js to provide a responsive and intuitive interface.


The Didactics Hub can significantly reduce administrative workload by automating many of the tasks currently done manually. Lecturers benefit from a user-friendly interface that makes managing their professional development easier. The DLT team gains powerful tools to streamline training administration, improving efficiency and accuracy.



Lionel Aßhauer Profile Picture
Lionel Aßhauer
