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Book Buddy

Welcome to Book Buddy! A website that helps you discover new books and manage your books in different lists. Book Buddy allows you to see what others are reading and the latest books that have been published. This helps you discover new titles and stay informed about popular books. You can write comments on books, offering your thoughts and reviews on what you’ve read. This can be crucial for some readers to see if they would enjoy a particular book. With the search feature, you can easily find books by title or author. Whether you're looking for a specific book or getting recommendations, this tool can help you in many ways. The detailed information allows you to see summaries, reviews, and other data about the books. You can also connect with fellow readers by following each other. The aim of Book Buddy is to create a practical and meaningful website that provides core functionalities without being overwhelmed by unnecessary features. My goal is to motivate people to read more and enjoy their reading journey. Hopefully, I can achieve this goal.

