xxxx Project

Mind Shifter

Mind Shifter is an exhilarating space-themed game that puts you in the role of two skilled astronauts, embarking on a captivating interstellar adventure. As the player, you have the unique ability to seamlessly switch between these two intrepid explorers. Engage in a series of challenging levels and mind-bending puzzles as you navigate through alien landscapes, futuristic space stations, and mysterious celestial phenomena. In Mind Shifter, your primary goal is to collect valuable crystals scattered throughout the game's diverse and challenging levels. These crystals serve as a vital resource, essential for powering your spacecraft and advancing your mission. However, the cosmos is unforgiving, and you must be mindful of your oxygen levels as you navigate treacherous environments. As you explore each level, you'll encounter various obstacles, complex puzzles, and hazardous terrain that put your astronaut's survival at risk. Oxygen tanks are strategically placed along your path, offering a lifeline to replenish your oxygen supply and extend your survival time. Timing and resource management become crucial as you balance your crystal collection efforts with the constant need to secure oxygen reserves. The gameplay mechanics of "Mind Shifter" intertwine the quest for crystals and the careful management of oxygen supplies, creating a thrilling and strategic experience. The game rewards efficient planning, quick thinking, and skilled execution as you strive to collect as many crystals as possible while avoiding the perils of suffocating in the vastness of space. With each successfully collected crystal and every oxygen tank retrieved, you draw closer to unraveling the game's mysteries and achieving your ultimate objective. Will you prove yourself as a master of resource allocation, adaptability, and puzzle-solving prowess, or will the void of space claim your astronauts' lives? The fate of your intrepid explorers rests in your hands as you embark on the enthralling journey of Mind Shifter.


A and D to Move Space to Jump S to switch




