xxxx Project

The Idea

“internships that provide unique and special opportunities that are often difficult to obtain. They often involve working with experts in a particular field and provide the chance to gain valuable knowledge and skills that will benefit the individual in their future career.” This platform will help you document your own experiences or find intern-, or in the best case, dreamternships.

The problem we want to solve

Currently, all internship reports get written and published in the mediacube wiki - which does not have the best experience for writing or searching reports. That is the reason, why we came up with the idea for dreamternship. This should be the basis for a new platform to replace the mediacube wiki for this purpose. Additionally, I built a feature that can read already existing reports from the wiki and convert it into a report that gets nicely formatted on our page. You almost can't notice the difference between a report that got written on our page and between an automatically generated report. However, with new reports that get written on dreamternship, you have a few benefits: - You can add an image to your report - You can use Markdown in the text-inputs to format your report - In the future, you should be able to give star-ratings in different categories like "recommendation", "salary", "newly learned things", "personal growth", ... That way, other students should more easily be able to see important information if they are searching for an internship.

What happens with old reports from the wiki?

They can be automatically added to our new platform - so no worries, nothing will be lost :) They will appear in searches just like the other reports, however they contain text only (no images, no star ratings, ...)



Johannes Handlechner Profile Picture
Johannes Handlechner




Web Programmierung

Frontend Development

Backend Development

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Web Programmierung

Backend Development