Are you a person who reads a lot and would like to record your reading history in a personal manner? BookNook is your own private book journal, created by book lovers for book lovers. What you can do... Add the books you finished reading, are still reading or maybe even stopped reading, into your library. Give some information about the general data of the book. You are free to choose which informations you wanna add or not. You can add details like your favorite character or quote to personalize your reading history. With your bookshelf, you have a quick overview of the amount of books you already have in your library. The more books you add, the fuller your bookshelf gets. Make it your goal to fill up the entire bookshelf to gain 3 achievements which might help motivate you to keep on reading. You can create collections to have an easier time finding certain books. For example, you can create a "Harry Potter" collection in which you'll easily find all your books from the Harry Potter series.