xxxx Project

This is a fun game about bananas!!

​This game was made for the 8th MMArmalade gamejam of the FH Salzburg. It is a 2D platformer and the goal is to reach the finish line first. A player can shoot fire balls which spawn at the same horizontal position on the other side, so there is the posibility to really annoy the other player. Additionally a platform ignites after a player jumped on it. Those two mechanics make the game really hard to play, so check it out and test, if you can do it!




Tanja Nicole Gruber Profile Picture
Tanja Nicole Gruber

Game Design

Game Programmierung

Jonas Buggisch Profile Picture
Jonas Buggisch


Game Design

Game Programmierung

Elias Fellinger

Game Design

Game Programmierung

David Georg Grois


Game Design

Game Programmierung

Alexander Franz Josef Buchner

Grafik und Animation

2D Artist

Game Design