xxxx Project

Are We On The Same Page? AI in Interior Design

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has already transformed various creative industries, and interior design is not an exception. From creating 3D models to visualizing designs, AI has been utilized in many ways by interior designers. However, the creative outcome of the project does not only rely on the creativity of the designer, but also on the effective collaboration between the designer and the client in the beginning of the project — at the briefing stage. In this research we aim to explore the potential of AI to enhance the collaboration and communication at the briefing stage of interior design projects, which can potentially open more room for creativity. We employed qualitative research methods and conducted two cycles or research: interviews and the workshop with both interior designers and clients. Our findings include the key challenges faced by both parties at the briefing stage and potential solutions, including AI-assisted tools which could facilitate creative collaboration. This paper also addresses potential limitations of utilizing AI, concerns of the interior designers and clients surrounding AI, and the prospects for future work.


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