xxxx Project

Frustrating Slimes

You are playing four slimes with different colors. Each color has it's own ability: The purple slime is able to shoot. The green one is jumping. The blue slime is able to dive The grey one is moving faster for a second and destroying obstacles while he is faster. At the beginning, you have four slimes, which also define your amount of lives. You are sliding along a river full of dangerous obstacles. If you run into an obstacle, you will loose one slime or in other words a heart. But you can use your special slime ability to evade or kill obstacles. You can use your special ability, but once your ability is used, the first slime becomes the last and gets a new ability. And the second slime becomes the first one, so you can use its ability. Your goal is to live as long as possible and get a high score.

Frustrating Slimes

Game Play




Georg Billinger

Game Programmierung

Lena Maria Huber Profile Picture
Lena Maria Huber

Game Programmierung