xxxx Project
ToDoGether is a web application that let's you create tasks in a team. Collaborating and editing tasks makes it easy to manage them. The unique experience: you as a user keep track of the state on your own.

How it works

Getting started

First of all you have to register yourself to the application. This can easily be done using email and password. Once registered to the application you may want to create your own team or join another team.

Join another team

The key to subscribe to a team is it’s name - so you can’t forget it 😉. So to join another team you have to ask a team admin or team member for the team name. Later you can find this option in Menu -> Teams -> Subscribe to a team.

Create your own team

To create your own team just click the button on the start page. Once you’ve joined a team you’ll find this option in the Menu -> Teams -> Create a new team. Hint: You can create your own team to manage your personal tasks. Just keep the team name a secret.

Add new task

To add a new task you have to be an admin in a team. You then can choose from the subject in the team and create a task for this subject. You’re able to: - define a task name (title shown in the task list) - select from all subjects of your teams - set a due date - define if it’s a group task [checked] or a task for one person [unchecked] - add a description (with awesome formatting) - add attachments (Attention: all attachments uploaded previously will be deleted) - add weblinks apart from the description

View task

Just click on the task.

Set task status

Buttons on the left side move the task to the previous state, on the right side to the next state. Attention: by default tasks with due date 14 days in the past won’t be shown -> use the filter

Filter for elements

You can either use the text search over all task titles, subjects and descriptions using the search bar on the top or you can open the filter side. The filter has advanced options to: - filter for a team - filter for a subject - filter for a status - set a filter on due date with from and to - apply an additional textfilter Once you are done you have to clear the filter on the bottom to get back to the default view.



Josef Markus Mitterbauer Profile Picture
Josef Markus Mitterbauer




Screen Design

Web Design

Web Programmierung

Product Owner

Frontend Development

Backend Development

Web Operations


Bernhard Schmidhuber Profile Picture
Bernhard Schmidhuber







Screen Design

Web Design

Web Programmierung

Product Owner

Frontend Development

Backend Development