xxxx Project



SchnitzelRally is an app with which you can create and plan a treasure hunt alias Schnitzeljagd together with others online and then carry it out in the real wilderness. Everyone who participates in the same route can create tasks and place them on the map and so link them to the real space with GPS coordinates. Tasks can be multiple-choice questions, a task formulated in text for the whole team, a quiz question or photo upload. Similar to geocaching but wilder!

Target group

The app is for everyone who likes to go wild and outside and solve challenges with friends/collegues. Also the app can be used for teambuilding events and in schools for alternative learning approaches.


The app is more like a real-time game. As so, one must first create a player with whom he than can create a new route (game) where other player can join to. Therefore a unique route name is needed. Other players can join by inserting valid route name and than participate in creating tasks. The tasks stick to a location and can differ in their formats: - Single Choice - True or False - Photo Upload - Text Input The so called "owner" of the route can than choose a time, when he hits start and everybody gets send into the game flow. Firstly they receive a hint to the location where the task takes places, secondly each player can submit an answer to the given question or instruction. That happens in a repeated loop until all tasks that were created in the route are solved by each user.


This app is developed in Ruby on Rails and uses Websockets to simulate a real-time game-flow. Other technologies are JavaScript, leaflet.js for the map and SCSS with a BEM Naming approach for styling.

Visual Impressions



Lena Anna Ebner Profile Picture
Lena Anna Ebner

Game Programmierung


Web Design

Web Programmierung

Frontend Development

Backend Development

Anonyme Person


Web Design

Web Programmierung

Frontend Development

Backend Development