xxxx Project

Photophobia - MMP2B


Photophobia is a local multiplayer game where the players have to control simultaniously a character and a lightsource with each joystick. The goal is to find the other characters with the lightsource and damage them, while hiding the own character from the others. You can hide between NPC characters roaming around, who look similar to your character. If your character gets exposed it shows color. Hide again with using blackouts spawned at your light source. Beeing inside the own lightsource also heals your character. Be the last vampire standing and win against your friends.


Alina Traun - Art Manoah Heinsch - Programming, Gamedesign Samuel Femböck - Programming, Gamedesign Thomas Hofer - Programming, Gamedesign, Music Tobias Türk - Music



Anonyme Person

2D Artist

Manoah Simon Heinsch Profile Picture
Manoah Simon Heinsch

Game Design

Game Programmierung

Thomas Hofer Profile Picture
Thomas Hofer


Game Design

Game Programmierung

Samuel Erik Femböck Profile Picture
Samuel Erik Femböck

Game Design

Game Programmierung