xxxx Project


This application aims to help both clients and businesses by offering the possibility to the clients to generate auctions for certain services they want to acquire and choose the best-bidden price, while the businesses can bid their services to the client.

Target Group

The app is for anyone who needs to get a certain service or for any business that wishes to find clients for their services


This app is a reverse approach of the classical way of finding offers. While normally a client should ask multiple businesses and look after offers in different places, the app aims to simplify all this process and bring businesses and clients on one platform. The user can sign up either as a client or a business and perform different actions depending on their user type. The client has the possibility to generate two types of auctions: a public auction, where any business can bid their services, or a special invitation auction, where only certain businesses invited explicitly by the client can present their offers. The client must after that choose the best-bidden price for him. A business can see a list of all the opened auctions according to its activity field, where he can bid, and a list of all the private auctions he has been invited to present his offer by clients. Both types of users have access to a dashboard, where they have an overview of their activity.


This App was built with React for the frontend part and firebase for backend and database management.



Lena Anna Ebner Profile Picture
Lena Anna Ebner


Alexandru Sava Profile Picture
Alexandru Sava


Stefania Mocan Profile Picture
Stefania Mocan
