xxxx Project

VR Räume für das Portfolio

The FH portfolio upgraded from 2D to 3D.

The website creates virtual exhibition rooms , which makes it possible to examine the projects from theFH Portfolio like a normal exhibition visitor. The user starts in the middle of a room, surrounded by walls on which he can find pictures. Each picture belongs to one project of the FH Portfolio. As user one can move freely through the room using mouse, cursor and/or the keyboard and so examine the projects in more detail.

The available exhibition rooms depend on the latest categories from the origin Website. An extra feature allows the user to login with his/her Google-Account and save projects to a collection, where he/she can visit them later on in an own room.

This project got developed as MMP1 during the second semester in the studies MMT-Bachelor. It uses the WebVR Framework Aframe, which is also an Entity-System based on HTML and Three.js, which makes it easy to create an VR environment cause it takes care of all the graphics rendering.

By pressing F on PC, one can enter the VR modus. It supports the Google Cardboard modus on Firefox Mobile, but other devices such as the Oculus or Vive haven't been tested and therefore aren't specifically supported.

The idea came from personal interests in exploring the 3D world and building a Web-Application that isn't limited to the 2D spectrum. Despite of that, it is nice to have virtual exhibition rooms to explore the projects from the FH Portfolio in a new and maybe a more interesting or funnier way.

short demo

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Lena Anna Ebner Profile Picture
Lena Anna Ebner


Web Programmierung

Frontend Development

Backend Development