xxxx Project stan mockup
In der Schule und Uni sind meist viele Hausübungen und Prüfungen gleichzeitig zu erledigen. Um alle Deadlines rechtzeitig sowie erfolgreich zu schaffen, muss die "Lernzeit" zeitgerecht und sinnvoll aufgeteilt werden. Diese Organisation kann für viele jedoch schwierig sein. Unsere Lösung - stan! stan ist für Schüler*innen & Student*innen, die Unterstützung bei der zeitlichen Einteilung ihrer Aufgaben brauchen und einen Überblick über diese haben wollen. Sie können ihren Lernstoff für Prüfungen in der Applikation hinzufügen und organisieren. Sie werden beim Aufteilen ihrer Aufgaben unterstützt und ihre Fristen werden visualisiert. Durch die Visualisierung der Deadlines und Lern-Chunks wird versucht, Prokrastination entgegenzuwirken. Außerdem versucht die App die Lern-Motivation spielerisch zu steigern.

Welcome to stan!

Students like yourself can add and organize their learning material for exams with stan. stan supports you in dividing up your tasks for each subject. Deadlines, as well as calculated daily study chunks are visualised, making it easy for you to keep track of your progress and fight procrastination.


. today's goals

The simple overview of today's study goals and their approximate duration allows you to swiftly plan your learning into the day.

. subject overview

For a more detailed view, all relevant information for each learning chunk can be quickly accessed via the dashboard. Click the done button when you have completed your learning goal.

. today's progress

Stay motivated by visualising your current progress and your succeeded goals of the day. The more you complete, the happier your mascot will become.


Keep track of daily goals for the coming days, weeks, and months. Give each exam a different color to quickly keep an overview over each one. stan will warn you if you are running out of time.


If you allow email notifications (can be changed at any time), stan will inform you 3 days and again 1 day before an exam. stan will also remind you on the day you planned to start learning for an exam.

Your Study Buddy

Your personal mascot stan is your constant study companion, ready to cheer you on through each exam. Stan's current mood and motivational speeches reflect your current progress, to keep your motivation flowing.

Dark Mode

And most important of all, the dark mode. Learn inside, outside, during the day, or late at night. stan will adjust its colour theme to match your preferences. It also automatically adjusts to your computer’s settings (e.g. if Mac dark mode is on, stan’s will be too)



Natasha Troth Profile Picture
Natasha Troth


Backend Development

Web Operations

Huong Tra Nguyen Profile Picture
Huong Tra Nguyen


Frontend Development

Daniela Kubesch Profile Picture
Daniela Kubesch


Frontend Development