xxxx Project

Task collection vs. Task completion

There are many task management Apps out there. Just search for “To Do” on Apple’s App Store. You won’t find a single feature or functionality that isn’t yet implemented in at least one of them.

But still – there is something missing

It’s not that Zen To Done is better than anything else, but it’s different. It has a distinctly different focus.

Most apps focus on task collection

There’s nothing wrong with conventional task management Apps like Wunderlist, or Evernote. But, all of these Apps focus on task collection. They allow you to add an infinite number of items. They are mobile, you have them with you all the time and can jot down ideas for tasks on the go. You can organise them in lists and together with tagging, syncing and sharing that’s an optimal setup for not forgetting tasks.

The problem isn’t forgetting tasks

When it comes to procrastination most people do know exactly what they should do, but still it often differs a lot from what they are actually doing. It’s so easy to find excuses, distractions and interruptions holding you back on small things all day. This is where a casual task app won’t help you anymore and it is exactly the use-case for Zen To Done.

Zen To Done - limits in order to give freedom

When you have to think twice before you enter tasks, you are forced to eliminate minutiae and focus on the important. “What’s important? What are my goals, my big rocks? What will bring me true fulfilment and freedom today?” These are questions that come to mind only when you limit yourself. The answer is really up to you. Maybe the answer is already on one of your lists. Pick one, put on your most important tasks and go. Execution requires simplicity and ruthlessness.

Plan. Focus. Execute.



