Grooviemovie is a 'movie picker' website, we take data from Facebook, reading the likes for movies and also basing the choices on the gender. We see this as a common issue within young people planning movie nights with friends or even wanting to watch something alone, being stuck for choice. This site will hopefully help users filter their choices based on those with similar interests to them.
Intended site functions: Read data from Facebook for the movies to recommend the movie to users. We will add filters and keywords to narrow the choices so the site does not become overwhelming. The site will work on a 'similarity' system so looking at age groups, Facebook likes and gender. The user will log in with Facebook and this will create the ability to read data. We are using Facebook as our basis for the data as it will enable the 'most popular' films to be identified, as Facebook users tend to only like their favourite films. This data allows for the age of users, location, gender etc to be targeted as well.