
Fachhochschule Salzburg

Students of MMA, MMT, DPM and HCI upload their projects to this portfolio. They can present themselves individually or as a team. The projects are the best business card for the study programs: they show which competences are taught and which talent and commitment the students show.

ÖkoGotschi Junior

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Das rote Meer - Cloth- und Fluids-Übung

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MovLib, the free movie library.

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

MultiMediaArt (Master)

Soundbash - Masterprojekt (Game)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

ANTON "Eine multimediale Inszenierung"

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)


MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)


MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Played Space - Masterthese

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Masterthesis: Augen und CG-Characacter

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)


MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Masterthesis: Content Matters

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Masterthesis: Das Management der Emotionen.

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Integration von 3D-Elementen im klassischen Zeichentrick

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Unheimliche Begegnungen

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Silhouetten im Computerspiel

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Interaktive Soundscapes in Videospielen

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Ace of Mace

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Showreel Heiml 2006

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)


MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Mafia Nager

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Cub Cub

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)


MultiMediaTechnology (Master)


MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Tulse Luper: Papierflieger

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)

Tulse Luper: Bloodied Wallpapers

MultiMediaArt (Master)

MultiMediaTechnology (Master)